Recommended to service bi-weekly/monthly – depending on how busy your church is.
1. Blow out all candles and leave to one side.

2. Open back door & leave open until the full service is complete.

3. Remove inner and middle glasses.

4. Please take note of our traffic light system:
GREEN = OK to go back onto unit once service is complete.
AMBER = OK to go back on unit once service is complete, however please note, it may need to be changed during next service.
RED = This glass needs to be changed. We provide a glass cleaning service for you to avail of, otherwise, please remove excess wax, wash, dry and reuse again on candle stand.

5. Remove retros, starting from the back.
A tip to remove the front retro:
Push up from inside the candle stand.

6. Using plastic credit card scrapper, remove excess wax from retros and candle stand.

7. Place retros back on candle stand.

8. Spray the candle stand with silicone.

9. Remove wax from water tray.
please note, you do not need to empty or replace water, Only refill to maintain water level of approx. 1”

10. Close back door and lock.

11. Ensure tapers are replenished.

12. Ensure brakes are applied.

13. Replace the candles you removed at the beginning.

14. Relight the candles you blew out at the beginning.
Your service is now complete.

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